I am beyond elated. I finished my organic chem exam and i can actually say that I think I did really good! The study sessions that lasted until 4am for 6 consecutive days payed off. This post-test elation has driven me to my usual past-time, which is as you read in the headline title, EBAY! Only on ebay would you be able to find such gems in one place for such an unspeakable price,(chanel half-tint sunglasses$99, dries van noten 50% wool, 20% mohair, 30% alpaca coat,$70(the combo of fabrics in this coat are making me all kinds of happy inside!);and a very close version of the famed givechy necklace from last year,$40. The only downside to this beloved site is being outbid at the last second or forgetting about it then seeing someone wearing it, remembering it and beating yourself up for forgetting about it... well enough of my tangent
Now that I have tests out of the way for a little while I will be posting more pics of myself(i have been in bumville lately due to the constant studying!) I will also be giving you guys some behind the scenes coverage of my best friends' (whom you all will come to know and love!)hair show this weekend, which im modeling for in a outfit I styled. There is soo much coming up and I have so many projects and I cant wait to share it all with you, so stay tuned and please follow my blog! Really im done now.
-Go forth and be fashionable