Hello ladies and gents! Jules here, I struck thrift gold last weekend when I went to the local Value Village(haha for some reason that name is so funny to me) ok so I decided to take pics of my finds outside because the weather was so great. From left to right on the first pic: top row- vtg linen blazer(for the warm weather), vtg silver medallion belt (hung on blazer), vtg aztec print bucket bag, vtg cadet button up shirt; bottom row- vtg multicolor patchwork bag, vtg liz claiborne striped sweater (i have wanted a top like this for ages). By some miracle I decided to look at the sunglasses and I got a pair of round ones a la John Lennon recently brought back from the fashion archives by the infamous MK. I also grabbed a pair of vtg wayfares, both were a mind blowing 50 cents!!!! Can I tell you that I literally squealed with glee when I saw the aztec printed tapestry bag. I have wanted a vtg Louis Vuitton Petit Noe (bucket bag) for a long time as well as a
Gucci Hysteria tapestry bag, my prayers were answered because I found a hybrid! A bag with the shape of the Noe but the print of the hysteria, my life is complete!!!!!!!
PS: Aren't the dogwood flowers marvelous?!?! The only down side was that bees were everywhere and me and my friend Bri had to run off screaming like idiots between each shot. Gotta love my state flower!!!
Thanks for reading my loves!!!!!
-Go forth and be fashionable!
photog: Bri Forte'